Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The INDIANA JONES of movie watching.

My name is Jose Prendes and I am a filmmaker and writer. But primarily, I am a film lover. Too put it bluntly, I am a film nerd of the highest order and have decided to put together this blog to showcase some the most unusual, or dare I say, hard-to-watch films out there.

I'm not talking about the blood-and-guts stuff or Roger Corman goodies. For that stuff you can check out my other writing gig at Here I will focus on obscure foreign and Indie films that you may or may not have heard of.

My goal is to provide you with in-depth info on the films that casual and even the die-hard film fans normally stay away from.

I will not be afraid to watch anything...ANYTHING! This is my promise to you. As long as it is a real film, I will do my best to track it down and give that sucker a watch, then report back to you all here.

Consider me the Indiana Jones of movie watching.

It is 5:06 pm on a cold Wednesday night in Los Angeles as I type these words. So, without further ado, let's begin the adventure...


  1. Thanks for keeping us updated film Nerd-LOL! I'll be checking back, so NO slacking....
    Michelle Penick

  2. I promise not to let you down!

    I will update twice a week and thanks for stopping by!
